
I keep saying I want to blog more. I don't know why it is so much of a challenge for me...especially since I am a housewife for the time being. Let me just say, it's getting on my nerves how many people back home keep pestering my parents with questions like, "When is she going to get a job?" or "How come she doesn't have a job yet?" I'm a people pleaser. I know that isn't good. I should be striving to please the Lord only and not worry about what other people think, but it just leaves me wondering what I am doing wrong when people don't seem to be impressed. God, please break down my pride and help me not to worry about what others think!

Anyways, I wanted to give my blog a new look, a more modern look. Guess it just isn't working with the lack of photos. K, I am gonna do something about that. I wanna make a collage every month. I made one for the summer but I think I need to start taking more pictures as well. Here's my summer one!

Alright, enough of my rambling. Adios!

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