Boot Hunt.

I have a tendency to do this--going from one mall to another in search my size of something I want.

I did it this summer with a skirt. I seriously tried like 4 or 5 malls before I found my size. And when I finally tracked it down, it was way cheaper than I was planning to pay for it! Yay!

This week, I fell in love with a pair of boots. These boots: 
(but I wanted them in gray.)

Anyways, since I didn't buy them the day I spotted them, I thought I would go back to the mall the next day to get them. When I got there, they were out of my size! I was so bummed! The lady checked for me and found that they were pretty much running out of my size in like all the nearby malls.

I checked a few other stores to see if they had similar ones, but they didn' I was disappointed. 

When I got back to Riverside today, I decided I'd try the mall here. Ashley and Kylee came with me (yay for shopping company!) and I walked to the shoe section very frantically. I spotted it on the display. I picked it up and looked at the bottom. "Only size 5 and 6," read the sticker. Oh no! But I wear a size 7! Or a 6 1/2 at the smallest! I walked up to one of the workers and before I even say anything, he says, "That [size 5] pair that you are holding is the only one left." NO! "But the sticker says you have a size 5 and a size 6," I tell him. "Oh, let me have someone check for you." 

The guy he sent to check comes back with a box. YES!! The excitement starts building. He found a size 6! I pull off my shoes and pull on the boot. It fits!! Yay! Ashley notices the tie thingy on the back is missing. I ask the lady at the register and she tells me that they'll give me 10% off cuz of it. Oh well, that's easily replaced. She fidgets with the computer for a while and keeps accidentally putting the discount twice. She gives up and lets me have it. On top of that, I have a 15% off coupon!! YAY! So I got my boots for a grand total of $27. 

Today is a wondrous day!

So that is my incredibly long, dramatic boot hunt story for ya. =]

This entry was posted on Dec 18, 2008 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 . You can leave a response .

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aprilmclean said...


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