Archive for December 2008
This is My Prayer in the Desert.
Today's Nugget
"A diamond is just a piece of coal that has become good under pressure." -Brian Houston
Arboretum Photoshoot!
My loves and I went on our LA Arboretum photoshoot yesterday and we had SO much fun!! We took a grand total of 539 pictures. I don't know how we managed that!!
Here are a few of my favorites!
My Chant.
If I do not talk about it, I will not think about it.
If I do not talk about it, I will not think about it.
If I do not talk about it, I will not think about it.
If I do not talk about it, I will not think about it.
If I do not talk about it, I will not think about it.
If I do not talk about it, I will not think about it.
If I do not talk about it, I will not think about it.
If I do not talk about it, I will not think about it.
If I do not talk about it, I will not think about it.
If I do not talk about it, I will not think about it.
If I do not talk about it, I will not think about it.
If I do not talk about it, I will not think about it.
If I do not talk about it, I will not think about it.
If I do not talk about it, I will not think about it.
If I do not talk about it, I will not think about it.
If I do not talk about it, I will not think about it.
If I do not talk about it, I will not think about it.
If I do not talk about it, I will not think about it.
If I do not talk about it, I will not think about it.
If I do not talk about it, I will not think about it.
Boot Hunt.
I have a tendency to do this--going from one mall to another in search my size of something I want.

Dumpster Diving
we've been up and down this road
we put a knife in the fork
we've seen the sun we've seen the storm
baby what are we running from
the lighting struck and left a glow
it's hard to let some things go
we know what's false but don't know what's true
baby where are we running to?
(lyrics from "dumpster diving" by castledoor)
Seriously, this is like my new favorite song.
Platform Flipflops.
They used to be totally hip. And i owned like a zillion pairs. I am clearing out my closet today. Hello salvation army!
Just a little something.
Some people are open, some people are not. And can I just say, it is extreeeeemely difficult for me to hold things in!
Most people go to the orange groves to pick oranges...
My printer doesn't like long papers.
My printer is bipolar.
Facebook Stranger.
He requested me on facebook. I didn't recognize his picture. But we had fifteen mutual friends from my church so I figured there'd be no harm in adding him.
If Humans Hibernated.
Happy December!