Archive for December 2012

On The Bright Side


On the bright side, I have all the time in the world to wedding plan.
On the bright side, I don't have to hide the fact that I am leaving the country in 116 days.
On the bright side, I have extremely loving and supportive parents who wont leave me stranded.
On the bright side, no more having to deal with a work computer that is stuck on an operating system from the past.
On the bright side, no more having to update the TJX Product Book!!!!!
On the bright side, I have the most loving, encouraging, supportive, God-fearing, romantic, perfect fiancé.
On the bright side, my friends are super encouraging as well!

I got laid off from my job last Wednesday. Friday was my last day. While it was shocking, now that I've had time to think about it, I can see how God is making the best out of this situation. I am referring to it as my premature unemployment. I was planning on quitting mid-March but God had a better idea in mind.

I'm learning to submit. Learning to be willing. Learning that I don't have it all figured out. Learning that God is above me. Learning that His ways are higher than mine. Learning that when I'm on His team, even what seems bad is actually good. He has only my best interest in mind.

"Your insignificance shall be swallowed up in My presence.
My presence is all about you, even all through you.
Unless you resist Me, you cannot fail, 
for I cannot fail and you are in Me, kept by the power of God.
Strengthen your heart with this truth."
-Frances Roberts