Well, today is the last day of 2009. This year has seriously FLOWN by. About a week ago, I had the intention of posting a blog about how I no longer believe in New Year's Resolutions. But after Evan Wickham's message last night at church, I have changed my mind.
Evan Wickham talked about the origin of our English word "sincere." It comes from two Greek words "sine cera" meaning "without wax." Back in the old days, crooks would take broken pots and piece them back together using wax. Then they would sell them for full price to oblivious customers. When the sun would come up, the wax would melt and the pots would fall apart again.
Evan used this analogy for our lives as believers. We are the pots and God is the potter. As pots, we want to be sincere and without wax, for if we are "crackpots" [hahaha Evan is hilarious!] our wax will show when we are held up to the Son.
So here is my New Year's Resolution. I desire to be sincere—in everything.
First and foremost, in my faith. I want to live a life that is completely unhypocritical. I want people to know that I am a Christian, even if their interaction with me is minimal. And that brings me to the second thing. I want to be sincere in my friendships. I have realized that the overflow of technology in this day and age causes a lot of friendships to be superficial and surface level. I am over that. I want my friendships to be real.
Unhypocritical. Genuine. Real. Sincere.
"We are not bound to say all we think but we are bound not even to look what we do not think."
-George MacDonald on sincerity
Archive for December 2009
Sine Cera.
Rainy Day.
Zero Sales Resistance
I love that I wrote a blog less than 24 hours ago about how I wanted a Holga. A yellow one. So much for a potential birthday gift! I already ordered it! Hahaha. I have ZERO sales resistance.
The photo in my previous blog was of a Holga 120N—lacking the colorflash feature. But I just fell in love with the yellow body! But I really wanted colorflash! After deliberating practically the whole day, I decided I was going to part with the beloved yellow Holga in order to get the 120CFN, which only came in black on Amazon.
But then, I decided to do a little extra research. Ebay came to my rescue! Ebay has seriously become my new best friend! Hahaha.
I found it. My beloved yellow Holga 120CFN. Just a tad bit more expensive, but definitely worth it. Yeeeeeeeee!! I am so excited! :)
All I want for Christmas is...
this.Is it too late to make a Christmas request?
Dream Chasing.
Christmas has passed. Wow, how time flies! Next semester is creeping upon me. My last semester of college for my entire life. Yeesh! Graduation is in 125 days. Then comes who knows what.
Merry Christmas, Zambia!
Give the Gift of Clean Water from Blood:Water Mission on Vimeo.
(They still need about 800 of them to reach their goal of 1640 filters by Christmas!)
Crowder. Wallace. Gibson.
I am currently reading David Crowder's newest book "Everybody Wants To Go To Heaven, But Nobody Wants To Die."
On Monday, I took my bowling final. Currently, I am almost done with my 8-10 page paper for Christian Doctrine. All I have left is my take-home final for Christian Education. I am ALMOST DONE with the semester. It's so surreal. I only have one semester left—a semester that will be test-less. Oh how lovely this will be! That's the joy of graphic design classes.
Cha Cha.
So, I had a FABULOUS dinner with Yvonne and Faith tonight.
Early Death Theory
I have a new theory...I think I am going to die young.
The Grinch Who Stole Christmas.
I am a BIG fan of Christmastime. I love the mood of the season. I love the smell of Christmas trees and cinnamon apple candles. I love Christmas lights. So naturally, I was heartbroken when I found out that CBU was not going to light the big tree this year due to—oh how it pains me to say this—the budget cuts. We do not have money for lights. And since we don't have money for the big Christmas tree, we aren't lighting the palm trees either.