This might be the coffee shop with my most favorite design sense I have ever seen. I am inspired to travel to the midwest.
Archive for November 2010
Coffee Shop.
Day 7
#7) I am thankful that Jesus, though sinless, took my punishment and died on the cross to spare me from eternal separation from God.
Day 6
#6) I am thankful for food.
Living in America, most people never even stop to appreciate the blessing of food. We always have it. We often even have more than three meals a day. And even when money is low, we never sacrifice our food.
Thank you, Jesus, for always giving me a meal to enjoy.
"Homeless for the Holidays"
I'm a sucker for cheesy Christian movies. Many people don't like them, but I looooove them. And they ALWAYS make me cry. No matter what the topic, I will cry. (Mind you, I'm not even a cryer!)
Team Buzzplant provided me with a free copy of "Homeless for the Holidays" so I could review it. It easily made its way to the top of my list of the best cheesy Christian movies I have ever seen. And the only thing that made it cheesy was the fact that it was a low budget project. But for being a low budget film, they did a really good job! And it definitely helped that this movie was based on a true story!
This movie is about a man who has a high paying executive job. But after some sketchiness in the office, he ends taking the blame for something he didn't do and losing his job so the rest of the company could stay afloat. The whole time I was watching this movie, I couldn't believe that these events actually took place! Everything that happened to this man were completely unfair. (Who ever said life was fair anyway?) The movie documented the progression of time as he remained jobless with no income to provide for his family.
The thing that touched me the most was the reaction of his children. That's what got me thinking. If I were a young child, I don't think I would be so considerate. I would be unwilling to part with the life I was used to. But these children were appreciative even in the hard times! And what's even more touching is that they still desired to bless others even though they barely had anything of their own! Ugh! Tear jerker! You just gotta watch it! It's definitely a family film that teaches a lot of good lessons.
To learn more about it or to purchase it, go to (It can also be purchased at select Christian bookstores.
Day 4
#4) Even though I complain about being in the United States sometimes, I am thankful that God, in His divine wisdom, chose for me to be born here. I could have been born in a third world country in poverty. But instead, I was born in one of the wealthiest countries in the world where I can enjoy innumerable amounts of material blessings.
Day 3
#3) I am thankful for the true friends I have in my life. I realized recently that I don't have as many friends as I thought I did, but the close ones, the real and genuine ones, are a blessing in my life. I don't know what I'd do without them.
Day 2
#2) I'm thankful for God's provisions. I complain about the functionality of my car, but at least I have a car. I complain that there isn't a way to live working only 10 hours a week, but at least I have a job (that I enjoy)! I complain about my phone not being the latest, but I have a phone.
God is so amazing! He blesses even when we gripe and complain!
The Promise of God in Prayer
Dumb Blonde.
I spoke with a dumb blonde on the phone today. How do I know she was blonde? Well, I don't know. But I know that she was most definitely dumb.
Oh my gosh, that's so mean, Liz! I know that is what you are probably thinking, but believe me, she was dumb.
I called T-Mobile Customer Care because I had been receiving calls on my cellphone from England. I hadn't been answering them for fear of being charged outrageous amounts per minute, but I wasn't even sure if I would get charged since I was only accepting the calls.
This woman (with a craaaazy hick accent, might I add) answers the phone. I ask, "If I receive calls from another country, do I get charged for that or does it only come out of my minutes?"
"Let me check for you," she says. "Which country are these calls coming from?"
"Alright, hold on for a moment and let me check..............What country did you say that was?"
"Yeah, but what country is it in?"
"Yeah, but what country is that place actually inside of?"
"Eng-LAND." (At this point, I was starting to think she was hard of hearing!)
"I don't seem to be finding that on the list..."
"Ohhh, maybe it's under UK or United Kingdom!"
"There it is!"
Ok, seriously, WHO doesn't know that England is a country?! I mean, it's a really popular country too! It's not like I said I was receiving calls from Turkmenistan! Sheeeeeeesh.
God's Blessings
Saying "I Love You"
You think you're bad at saying "I love you?" I'm definitely worse. I am the QUEEN of awkward responses to that lovely sentence of endearment. Call it psychological if you want, but I honestly don't know why I have this problem. I noticed it years ago, but I feel like it has been progressing lately. Responses come in all shapes and sizes, from "you too" to the awkward giggle.
If you've ever received one of my awkward responses, don't take it personal. I sincerely apologize. I love you.
Just kidding. I don't even know you. Probably.