Archive for January 2015

To my husband, the father of my unborn child

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To my husband, the father of my unborn child,

I wanted to say thank you. I feel like husbands are often unappreciated when wives are expecting. But there's no way I could have done this without you. I really can't comprehend how unmarried women go through 40 weeks of pregnancy on their own. I'm so thankful that God designed pregnancy to fit so seamlessly together with marriage.

Thank you for loving me.
Thank you for being there for me constantly.
Thank you for giving me a baby.
Thank you for praying for me and with me.
Thank you for praying for our baby.
Thank you for wanting to be a good, godly daddy.
Thank you for being sympathetic when I'm uncomfortable.
Thank you for not expecting too much from me.
Thank you for letting me have lazy days.
Thank you for doing favors for me.
Thank you for helping me with jobs around the house.
Thank you for washing dishes for me.
Thank you for rubbing my back on demand.
Thank you for helping me put on my socks.
Thank you for helping me put on my shoes.
Thank you for picking things up from the ground for me when I don't feel like bending.
Thank you for carrying things for me.
Thank you for helping me get up when I'm stuck on the sofa or on a chair.
Thank you for helping me get out of the car.
Thank you for letting me fulfill my random food cravings.
Thank you for being flexible and eating whatever I can bring myself to cook.
Thank you for being flexible with our schedule.
Thank you for still finding me attractive and always telling me that you do.
Thank you for the extra kisses.
Thank you for the belly rubs.
Thank you for the foot massages.
Thank you for pampering me.
Thank you for being there for me when I feel needy.
Thank you for being the best husband in the entire world.

I love you from the bottom of my heart.
Forever, for always, no matter what.

Pregnancy Log: Week 39

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I can't believe we're literally in the home stretch. Today marks 39 weeks of pregnancy. Seven days left. Just seven. I'm hoping and praying that Baby decides to make his debut sometime within the seven days. I really don't know if I can handle being overdue. Haha! My mom comes in five days, and I think the most ideal would be if baby decides to come right when she does...but I wouldn't mind if he decided to come earlier either. :P 

Week 39:
Symptoms: Difficulty sleeping, frequent urination, lower back pain, Braxton Hicks.

How I'm feeling: I'm in a constant state of tiredness!

Cravings: Sweets.

Aversions: "Heavy" foods

Anything To Report?: Nope.

Wedding Ring: On!

Pregnancy Log: Week 38

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38 weeks today! C'mon Baby! We are ready for you! Although my mom would prefer that you wait for her (she comes in 12 days), I definitely wouldn't mind if you decided to come a liiiiittle early. Hehe. 

So many of my friends have been having early first babies lately. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't jealous. I'm super uncomfortable and it's getting harder to fight against that all too famous pregnancy waddle. But all the annoyances seem to diminish when I stand in front of our little baby's wardrobe and look at all the adorable clothes he'll soon be wearing! I can't wait!

Week 38:
Symptoms: Difficulty sleeping, frequent urination, lower back pain, Braxton Hicks.

How I'm feeling: I'm in a constant state of tiredness!

Cravings: Feta cheese!

Aversions: "Heavy" foods

Anything To Report?: Nope.

Wedding Ring: On!

Pregnancy Log: Week 37

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I'm finally full term! I am so ready for Baby to come out! I have another appointment with my midwife on the 27th, but I am  secretly hoping Baby comes before then! It was so weird today because I walked to my Doctor's Surgery and was fine, but on the walk home, my back was KILLING me. Now I'm struggling to move from where I'm sitting on the sofa! Is it gonna be like this for the next 2.5 weeks?!

Baby, please come soon! We are ready for you now—especially since we've now been to an antenatal class and toured the delivery suite at the hospital where you'll be born!

Week 37:
Symptoms: Difficulty sleeping, frequent urination, lower back pain.

How I'm feeling: I'm in a constant state of tiredness! I am so ready for Baby to come out!

Cravings: Feta cheese!

Aversions: "Heavy" foods

Anything To Report?: Nope.

Wedding Ring: On!

A Waiting Game

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Today was Craig's first day back at work after the Christmas holidays. I assumed I'd be productive, but my assumption couldn't have been further off. I've done nothing today. My brain wont focus. I tried to read; that didn't work. I have a whole list of things I need to do around the house; I've done none of them today. Something about this waiting game, waiting for baby to arrive who knows when, is making my brain feel like mush. I am so excited, nervous, and anxious! I want Baby to come early because, let's face it, no woman is comfortable at 36+3, but I also want my mom's wish to come true and Baby to wait til she arrives in England. Thank God I'm not in control of the timing! But, my goodness, how slow this month feels already! 

Lord, I pray that You would strengthen me this month. Help me not to be too anxious, but help me to trust in Your perfect timing. I also pray that You would give me a smooth, pain-free labor. I know You have the ability to do that and I ask that You would. Also, please remove all the fear and worry from my mind. Thank You for the blessing of pregnancy and I pray that You would grow me and Craig as we become parents. Help us to raise our child to love and serve You. Amen.

Pregnancy Log: Week 36

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I thought the start of this week would be considered "full term" but I just learned that it's the end of the week! So here's to aaaalmost being full term! My friends keep having first babies [really] early though so I wouldn't mind if my baby decided to come now. They house is clean, the baby bag is packed, and my hospital bag is I'm as ready as I'll ever be!

Week 36:
Symptoms: Itchy belly, difficulty sleeping, frequent urination, kidney pain, nausea, and believe it or not, morning sickness has returned in full swing! I threw up every day for the past 3 days!

How I'm feeling: My back (by my right kidney) has been killing me! Thank the good Lord for meds!

Cravings: Hot chocolate!

Aversions: "Heavy" foods and sadly, eggs still :(

Anything To Report?: Nope.

Wedding Ring: On!

2015: A New Year

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My friend Rachel posted a really good blog post on New Year's Day. I absolutely 100% agree with everything she wrote so I figured I'd share it with my friends here!

" 2015 I want to focus on the important things. I want my time with the Lord to dictate everything else in my life. I don't plan to set a list of resolutions that I can't keep- instead I want to just re-determine in my heart to keep my eyes on Jesus. To have that be the priority in my life so that all other smaller desires will work themselves out. To not aim for perfection but just for a consistent relationship with God, a deeper devotional life, more time in prayer and the anticipation that God can and will do great things!"

Looking forward to see all God has in store for 2015!